Tag Archives: milk

Dr. M’s Women and Children First Podcast #70 – Stan Gabryszewski, M.D., Ph.D. – Allergies

This week I sit down with Dr. Stan Gabryszewski to discuss allergies from multiple angles.
Dr. Gabryszewski graduated from Princeton University with a degree in Molecular Biology before attending Columbia University for his MD as well as a PhD degree in Cellular, Molecular and Biomedical Studies. He then completed his pediatric residency and is a senior allergy immunology fellow at the Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia where he now teaches and performs research in the lab of Dr. David Hall. His research is focused on better understanding the epidemiologic and immunologic features among pediatric allergic disorders, in particular the food allergies IgE-mediated food allergy and eosinophilic esophagitis.
In this conversation, Stan and I sit down to discuss his recent paper in Pediatrics entitled, Patterns in the Development of Pediatric Allergy. This article is a much needed look at the true prevalence of allergy and allergic diseases in children. We discuss the statistics as well as the thoughts behind the why this is occurring. The upstream reasons are very important, hard to tease out but worthy of discussion.
Please enjoy my conversation with Stan Gabryszewski,
Dr. M
His recent paper in pediatrics.

Dr. M’s SPA Newsletter Audiocast Volume 13 Issue 2

Food in Infants
What do we know?
“Humans are the only mammals who feed our young special complementary foods before weaning and we are the only primates that wean our young before they can forage independently. There appears to be a sensitive period in the first several months of life when infants readily accept a wide variety of tastes and this period overlaps with a critical window for oral tolerance.” (Borowitz S.) We do a deep dive here plus some information on the mineral calcium and a segment on loneliness.
Dr. M

Dr. M’s SPA Newsletter Audiocast Volume 12 Issue 40

Dr. Katz – “Human offspring come into this world much like the young of all other mammals, and like all the others, within minutes of our arrival, we are hungry. Food figures prominently in our lives ever after, but never is it more important than in childhood, when it serves as the literal construction material of those growing bodies and brains. The initial food choice for human babies should be self-evident, as it is for all other baby mammals: the milk of their mothers. The provision of that milk is among the defining characteristics of the mammalian class; it is part of what makes us what we are….

Also, we discuss marijuana and vaping as well as new work by Derek Sivers.


Dr. M

Dr. M’s Women and Children First Podcast #18 – Dr. Steve Borowitz – Children, Constipation and Cow’s Milk Intolerance

Dr. M’s Women and Children First Podcast #18 – Dr. Steve Borowitz – Children, Constipation and Cow’s Milk Intolerance

In this podcast, I sit down with Pediatric Gastroenterologist Dr. Steve Borowitz from the University of Virginia Department of Pediatrics to discuss the current reality of constipation in children as well as cow’s milk intolerance. Dr. Borowitz graduated from Tulane University and Rush Medical College before attending Vanderbilt University for his Pediatric Gastroenterology Fellowship. He is a wealth of knowledge and one of my favorite teachers. We dive into the deep end of the pool on these two topics specifically focusing on root causes and treatment.



Dr. M

Dr. M’s Women and Children First Podcast – Journal Club #1 with Andrew Brackins MSIII and Zach Strong, FNP – Milk and Health, Multi Inflammatory Syndrome

Journal Club #1 with Andrew Brackins MSIII and Zach Strong, FNP –

Topic #1 – Milk and Health – Is milk necessary for health? Is it possibly unhealthy? Do we need it for bone health? What are the milk based diseases of intolerance and allergy. These questions and more are explored.

Multi Inflammatory Syndrome – Dr. Alessio Fasano has published some landmark research on children who suffer a post COVID inflammatory disease that is deadly. We break down his research and what we can takeaway from it for health.


Dr. M

Dr. M’s Women and Children First Podcast #9 – Dr. Tracy Shafizadeh, Evivo Probiotic for Babies

Dr. Tracy Shafizadeh is a nutritional scientist, speaker, and author with over 15 years of experience in scientific communications and life science research. Prior to serving as the Director of Scientific Communications at Evolve BioSystems, she led both product development and research services at various start-up life science companies, including Lipomics Technologies, Tethys Bioscience and Metabolon, Inc. Dr. Shafizadeh received her PhD in nutritional biology from UC Davis, studying intestinal development and folate metabolism in newborns.

Today, we spend the hour discussing the maternal and infant microbiome with respect to maternal breastmilk, human milk sugars and childhood outcome. Evolve Biosystems has produced a probiotic with excellent science to help guide us in new therapeutic discovery. We head to the beginnings of disease onset when the infant is only starting to take his or her first breaths.

I hope that you enjoy my conversation with Dr. Tracy Shafizadeh,

Dr. M