Tag Archives: lifestyle

Dr. M’s SPA Newsletter Audiocast Volume 14 Issue 21

Excess Weight Gain, Obesity and Immune Related Diseases in 2 cases
I want to share a few recent case experiences that shed light on the patient provider experience in the context of a collaborative clinic model based on prevention and the patient first mentality.
In the struggle against the US based disease onslaught that is excess weight gain, longevity with the patient remains the greatest winner for a quality outcome. What do I mean when I say this? Let me tell you a story. I care for a wonderful young man who is about to turn 17 years old. I have known him since birth and his struggle with weight has been profound for most of these 17 years…… Plus an article review about weight loss and a recipe of the week.
Dr. M

Dr. M’s SPA Newsletter Audiocast Volume 14 Issue 16

Teenagers and tweens are a challenge to any parent as they embark on their identity development. These are years filled with angst, joy, love and pain, as our kids develop physically, mentally, and emotionally. As we attempt to guide but not control, we struggle watching them make and maybe repeat obvious mistakes. We, so dearly, want them to make the right choices (in our mind) and respect their bodies.
What can we do to help?
Dictating to teens will never work. They are more likely to sabotage their own lives in order to prove that they are in control. The tighter parents squeeze, the more the adolescent rebels.

I think of this stage of parenting as motivational interviewing…. and a literature review.

Dr. M

Dr. M’s SPA Newsletter Audiocast Volume 14 Issue 14

Allergy Season and School – What is your plan?
Spring is coming and maybe even here already in Carolina. School is in full swing for kids and they are filled with joy and excitement. They are back outside enjoying sports and play. For the parents of allergy suffering kids, this is a time for check ups, medicines and the countless forms required by school. I know! What a pain!
The goal for parents and educators is to limit missed or unproductive school days due to asthma and allergies and to get the most out of the learning environment for all children. My goal is to help children be symptom free or as close as possible while also focusing on reducing mucous development which is a direct precursor to bacterial sinus and ear infections….and more
Dr. M

Dr. M’s SPA Newsletter Audiocast Volume 14 Issue 9

Light and It’s Impacts on Health – Circadian Rhythms
Circadian comes from the latin Circa Diem or about the day
I have long believed that indoor sedentary behavior is profoundly bad for us beyond just the lack of movement and outdoor natural education. Today, we will look at another major concern: light. We will also get into a circadian rhythm post looking at Dr. Panda’s work. A final addition of a recipe of the week.
Dr. M

Dr. M’s Women and Children First Podcast #66 – James Greenblatt, M.D. – ADHD


Attention Deficit and Upstream Personalized Treatments
This week we sit down with Dr. James Greenblatt, a pioneer in the field of integrative medicine/psychiatry. He obtained his MD and completed his psychiatry residency at George Washington University School of Medicine. This training was followed by a fellowship in child and adolescent psychiatry at Johns Hopkins Medical School. He has been studying and educating providers on functional psychiatry for 4 decades. Dr. Greenblatt has served as the Chief Medical Officer at Walden Behavioral Care in Waltham, MA for nearly 20 years, and is an Assistant Clinical Professor of Psychiatry at Tufts University School of Medicine and Dartmouth College Geisel School of Medicine.
His focus is on the scientific evidence for nutritional interventions in psychiatry and mental illness. This is the essence of going upstream to right the wrongs of the biochemical pathways of the brain. He is the author of eight books, including the best-seller, Finally Focused: The Breakthrough Natural Treatment Plan for ADHD. His updated edition of Answers to Anorexia was released in October 2021 and his newest book, Functional & Integrative Medicine for Antidepressant Withdrawal is available now.
Dr. Greenblatt is the founder of Psychiatry Redefined, an educational platform dedicated to the personalized, evidence-based treatment of mental health. Psychiatry Redefined offers continuing online education, CME-approved courses, and webinars, and boasts the most comprehensive and scientifically-based professional fellowship for mental health providers, The Psychiatry Redefined Fellowship in Functional & Integrative Psychiatry.
Please enjoy my conversation with Dr. James Greenblatt.
Dr. M

Dr. M’s Women and Children First Podcast #60 – Moshe Szyf, Ph.D. – Hope and Epigenetics Part 2

This week’s guest is Professor Moshe Szyf.
This is the second story of hope for us as a species. We have a level of control over our outcome that is baked into our DNA.
Dr. Moshe Szyf joins the show today to discuss the social programming of the epigenome. Dr. Szyf and his colleague Dr. Meaney proposed over two decades ago the first set of evidence that the “social environment” early in life can alter DNA methylation launching the emerging field of “social epigenetics”. He also has illustrated that DNA methylation is a prime therapeutic target in cancer and other diseases to be explored and potentially manipulated for health.
“Together, they discovered that our genetic code, the actual sequential structure of our DNA, can pretty much shrug off the influence of any external environmental factors, short of massive radiation. However, the expression of individual genes within that sequence can be permanently altered by such seemingly innocuous influences as diet or how others treat us. Once triggered, a group of molecules called a methyl group attaches itself to the control centre of a gene, permanently switching on or off the manufacture of proteins that are essential to the workings of every cell in our body. In most tumours, this DNA methylation pattern has been knocked awry, leading to a gene being completely deactivated or triggered to abnormally high activity.” (McGill Reporter)
Dr. Szyf received his Ph. D from the Hebrew University and did his postdoctoral fellowship in Genetics at Harvard Medical School before he joined the department of Pharmacology and Therapeutics at McGill University in Montreal, Canada. He currently holds the James McGill Professorship in Pharmacology. He is the founding co-director of the Sackler Institute for Epigenetics and Psychobiology at McGill and is a Fellow of the Canadian Institute for Advanced Research Experience-based Brain and Biological Development program. Szyf has been the founder of the first “Pharma” to develop epigenetic pharmacology “Methylgene Inc.” and the first journal in epigenetics “Epigenetics”.
Please enjoy my conversation with Dr. Moshe Szyf,
Dr. M

Dr. M’s SPA Newsletter Audiocast Volume 13 Issue 46

Delaying Gratification and Dopamine
When we think of our current societal view on raising children, we have a conundrum. We want our children to experience the world as it is progressing through a technological viewpoint, a growth mentality. What does that mean? . When technology enters the learning process, we progress at log rates. We can process more information and incorporate it into our memory. For a simple example, let’s look back in time. When I was in school, I had to go to the library and search through the library’s archaic dewey decimal system to find a book to reference for information for a project or assignment. Time wasting to say the least compared to the internet age. It took forever to accumulate old data that was in a book. No real time action…Also a mini literature review and a recipe of the week.
Dr. M

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