Tag Archives: Pediatrics

Dr. M’s SPA Newsletter Audiocast Volume 14 Issue 24


If you want to spend any amount of time with your child beyond hugs, feeding and basic life duties, I would recommend reading above all else. I find it hard to believe that this is the first article that I have written on reading. I pondered that for a minute and concluded that this, in effect, was me taking this information for granted. That ends today.

When I reflect on my journey on the road to reading literacy, I note that I was not an avid reader. Nay, I hated reading for most of my childhood. My first self chosen pleasure book was The Firm when I was 23 years old. Why would this be? To sit for me was and is akin to mild torture. While other kids loved to dive into a book, that was not for me. Run, play, drum, hike, yes sir. All in….plus a Literature Review and section on Memorial Day.


Dr. M

Dr. M’s Women and Children First Podcast #74 – Philip Bugaiski OD – Vision Beyond 20/20

This week I sit down with Philip Bugaiski to discuss ocular tracking, reading difficulties and vision therapy.
Dr. Bugaiski was born in New York and first developed an interest in optometry as a result of childhood vision challenges, requiring vision therapy. He studied science as an undergraduate at the Penn State University graduating with honors. He was awarded one of six national scholarships for optometry from the US Air Force. He served his country with distinction. He finished his doctoral work at the State University of New York College of Optometry. He completed fellowships in Synotic Optometry and Vision Therapy. He worked as Chief of Pediatrics and Vision Therapy for a multi-doctor practice until he founded The Developmental Vision Center in Charlotte, North Carolina. He specializes in Vision Development, Vision Therapy, Pediatric Optometry, and Vision Rehabilitation.
Dr. Bugaiski is also North Carolina’s only Fellow of the College of Syntonic Optometry. He is a sought-after guest speaker for various groups on a local, national, and international level.
All too often, children and adults are told that their eyes are healthy, they have 20/20 eyesight or their glasses are the correct power, and there is nothing else to be done. They are told that their reading issues are inborn dyslexia and other reductionistic diagnosis. At The Developmental Vision Center, Dr. Bugaiski looks beyond 20/20 eyesight. His team is there to treat the person, not just their eyes. Vision therapy is a program of progressive visual activities performed under doctor supervision, individualized by a vision therapist to fit the needs of each patient. In a statement, he is treating the child not a diagnostic name.
Please enjoy my conversation with Philip Bugaiski,
Dr. M
Dr. Bugaiski Website
LinkedIn Link

Dr. M’s SPA Newsletter Audiocast Volume 14 Issue 22

What are the main preventable etiologies for childhood death under the age of five years?
According to the data compile by UNICEF, we see the following for the world:
1) Prematurity 18%
2) Pneumonia 14%
3) Birth Asphyxia 12%
4) Malaria 9%
5) Diarrhea 9%
6) Congenital anomolies 8%
7) Injuries 5%
8) Blood infections/sepsis 3%
9) Tuberculosis 3%
10) all others
From a global perspective, we are on the right track as deaths have decreased significantly from 12 million in 1990 to less than 5 million annually in 2022. This is a massive improvement in global childhood health. More work to be done as pneumonia and diarrhea based death should be less than 1%. Access to clean water, clean medicines and adequate medical care could crush these issues….plus a literature review as well as an ode to mothers.
Dr. M


Dr. M’s SPA Newsletter Audiocast Volume 14 Issue 21

Excess Weight Gain, Obesity and Immune Related Diseases in 2 cases
I want to share a few recent case experiences that shed light on the patient provider experience in the context of a collaborative clinic model based on prevention and the patient first mentality.
In the struggle against the US based disease onslaught that is excess weight gain, longevity with the patient remains the greatest winner for a quality outcome. What do I mean when I say this? Let me tell you a story. I care for a wonderful young man who is about to turn 17 years old. I have known him since birth and his struggle with weight has been profound for most of these 17 years…… Plus an article review about weight loss and a recipe of the week.
Dr. M

Dr. M’s Women and Children First Podcast #72 – Blaine Leeds D.D.S. – Oral Health and Sleep

This week I sit down with Dr. Blaine Leeds to discuss oral health, sleep apnea, bedwetting and more.
Dr. Leeds is a leader in the dental field. He speaks nationally on tele-dentistry, oral health and dental treatments for sleep disordered breathing and sleep apnea. He is a graduate of Arkansas Tech with a Bachelors degree in Chemistry before attending the University of Tennessee School of Dentistry where he graduated with honors. His skills in dentistry have also spurned many technological companies to help dentistry reach far locations. He is the author of, What happens when your child doesn’t sleep? a book exploring the connection between oral motor function, anatomy and sleep. This is a very important topic as poor sleep will dominate a child’s behavior in a negative way. He has been a guest on many major news networks sharing this wisdom.
Today we sit down to dissect the issues of oral health, sleep and a whole child approach. The exploration is exactly what we need, root cause analysis and treatments based on the reasons not the symptoms.
Please enjoy my conversation with Blaine Leeds,
Dr. M

Dr. M’s Women and Children First Podcast #71 – Steve Hodges, M.D., Ph.D. – Bedwetting and Constipation

Enuresis, Encopresis and Constipation
This week I sit down with Dr. Steve Hodges to discuss bedwetting, constipation and more.
Dr. Steve Hodges is a Urological surgeon and expert in the field of enuresis, encopresis and child urological health. He received his BA in classical and ancient studies from Duke University before completing medical school and residency at Wake Forest University in North Carolina. He completed further Pediatric fellowships in Urology at the University of San Diego and again at Wake Forest. From there his career is one of exploration, questioning and seeking new answers to old questions. He has authored multiple books including It’s No Accident, Emma and the E Club: An Epic Episode About Eliminating Enuresis and Encopresis, and the MOP book anthology. He is widely published in top Urological Journals.
Today we sit down to dissect the issues of enuresis(Bedwetting), encopresis (self stooling) and chronic constipation. The exploration is exactly what we need, root cause analysis and treatments based on the reasons not the symptoms.
Please enjoy my conversation with Steve Hodges,
Dr. M

Dr. M’s SPA Newsletter Audiocast Volume 14 Issue 18

Unraveling the Mysteries of the Amygdala: A review of a section of the book Behave by Robert Sapolsky
In the world of neuroscience, Robert Sapolsky stands as a luminary, a maestro of unraveling the intricate dance of our brain’s circuitry. Among the many deep dives that he delves into, his perspective on the amygdala resonates profoundly for me. The amygdala emerges not as a mere anatomical curiosity as he decides that rather than reducing the amygdala to a simplistic seat of fear and aggression, he highlights its diverse functions, emphasizing its involvement in the vast array of behaviors and experiences. It is a narrative view of the why the brain developed as it did to aid us in the fight against pathogens, predators and stress. Sapolsky’s take on the amygdala is nothing short of revelatory, akin to a seasoned detective peeling away layers of a perplexing case. There are diverse neuronal pathways in this almond-shaped structure nestled deep within our temporal lobes and they have profound purpose. The amygdala emerges not merely as a primal seat of fear and aggression, but as a nuanced orchestrator of our emotional lives. All mammals have emotional responses that are split second to threat, joy and relationship. This is mediated……Plus a section on DNA and memory. Finally, a recipe.
Dr. M

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