For any parent, the first few weeks of your baby’s life can be both exciting and scary. To ease the transition, DocSmo has created a series of short (10 minute) audio posts to help with your parenting skills. Load them on your mp3 player or simply listen from the site.
Why You Shouldn’t Let Sleeping Babies Lie (Pedcast)
Going Public with Your Newborn, How and When!
Safe Sleep Environment for Infants
Keeping Abreast of Breast Milk Facts
The First Week Home with Your New Baby
DocSmo also recommends the following pedcasts for new parents. Have a listen and don’t forget to leave feedback!
Grandma, Cod Liver Oil, and the 2011 News Regarding Vitamin D
What Parents Need to Know about Infant Temperature Control
Essential information about your Baby’s Head Shape
What’s New with Umbilical Cord Care in Newborns
Essential Knowledge for Parents about Hepatitis B
Changing Diapers; Hazardous to your health…really?
Answers to Skin Care Questions by Dr. Sue Primmer
Breastfeeding Decisions with Anne Gessner PNP
Finally, Newborn Jaundice Explained
Babies + Hospitals, a Good Mix?
Changing Diapers Dangerous for your Health, Really?
Babies, Water, and Salt; A Briny Mix
Understanding Newborn Diaper Rash
Newborn Skin with Dr. Susan Primmer (Pedcast)