Tag Archives: school

Dr. M’s Women and Children First Podcast #84 – Francis Koster Ed.D

Today, we have an extraordinary guest joining us—Dr. Francis Koster, a man who has spent decades uncovering the invisible forces that shape our environment and, ultimately, our health.

Dr. Koster is the founder of Pollution Detectives, an initiative that combines data-driven science, community collaboration, and advocacy to address environmental issues that impact the air we breathe, the water we drink, and the ecosystems that support our lives. With a focus on actionable solutions, Dr. Koster empowers communities to identify and combat environmental risks, especially those affecting children, who are often the most vulnerable to pollutants.

Through his tireless work, Dr. Koster has inspired countless individuals to take charge of their surroundings and has highlighted the profound connection between environmental stewardship and public health. Today, we’ll dive into his groundbreaking efforts, the stories behind the data, and how we can all become part of the solution to ensure a healthier, safer future for the next generation.

So, without further ado, let’s welcome the innovative and inspiring Dr. Francis Koster to the show!


Dr. M

Pollution Detectives

Dr. M’s SPA Newsletter Audiocast Volume 14 Issue 25

Reading Part II
Let us follow up on last weeks newsletter on reading as a cultural advantage and a human need in truth. What do we know about the neuroscience of reading dysfunction or weakened ability to achieve the goal of reading proficiency? What is the frequency of concern?
Depending on the study, 5-10% of children have reading issues like dyslexia. This has profound lifelong consequences if these issues are not dealt with in the early years of education.
Let us start again by looking at the neuroanatomy of the human reading interface. The first point of human involvement in reading is visual acceptance of the written word on page. In order to complete this task one must be able to see the word clearly in the order that it is displayed on the page and then send the neuroception to the brain via the optic nerve to the visual cortex. Then the angular gyrus interprets the words leaving the frontal lobes to engage in decoding and comprehending the information. This intricate interplay of neural networks not only facilitates the understanding of written language but also strengthens cognitive functions such as memory in the hippocampus, attention in the prefrontal cortex, and critical thinking in the neocortex…plus a piece on exercise.
Dr. M

Dr. M’s SPA Newsletter Audiocast Volume 14 Issue 24


If you want to spend any amount of time with your child beyond hugs, feeding and basic life duties, I would recommend reading above all else. I find it hard to believe that this is the first article that I have written on reading. I pondered that for a minute and concluded that this, in effect, was me taking this information for granted. That ends today.

When I reflect on my journey on the road to reading literacy, I note that I was not an avid reader. Nay, I hated reading for most of my childhood. My first self chosen pleasure book was The Firm when I was 23 years old. Why would this be? To sit for me was and is akin to mild torture. While other kids loved to dive into a book, that was not for me. Run, play, drum, hike, yes sir. All in….plus a Literature Review and section on Memorial Day.


Dr. M

Dr. M’s Women and Children First Podcast #74 – Philip Bugaiski OD – Vision Beyond 20/20

This week I sit down with Philip Bugaiski to discuss ocular tracking, reading difficulties and vision therapy.
Dr. Bugaiski was born in New York and first developed an interest in optometry as a result of childhood vision challenges, requiring vision therapy. He studied science as an undergraduate at the Penn State University graduating with honors. He was awarded one of six national scholarships for optometry from the US Air Force. He served his country with distinction. He finished his doctoral work at the State University of New York College of Optometry. He completed fellowships in Synotic Optometry and Vision Therapy. He worked as Chief of Pediatrics and Vision Therapy for a multi-doctor practice until he founded The Developmental Vision Center in Charlotte, North Carolina. He specializes in Vision Development, Vision Therapy, Pediatric Optometry, and Vision Rehabilitation.
Dr. Bugaiski is also North Carolina’s only Fellow of the College of Syntonic Optometry. He is a sought-after guest speaker for various groups on a local, national, and international level.
All too often, children and adults are told that their eyes are healthy, they have 20/20 eyesight or their glasses are the correct power, and there is nothing else to be done. They are told that their reading issues are inborn dyslexia and other reductionistic diagnosis. At The Developmental Vision Center, Dr. Bugaiski looks beyond 20/20 eyesight. His team is there to treat the person, not just their eyes. Vision therapy is a program of progressive visual activities performed under doctor supervision, individualized by a vision therapist to fit the needs of each patient. In a statement, he is treating the child not a diagnostic name.
Please enjoy my conversation with Philip Bugaiski,
Dr. M
Dr. Bugaiski Website
LinkedIn Link

Dr. M’s SPA Newsletter Audiocast Volume 14 Issue 14

Allergy Season and School – What is your plan?
Spring is coming and maybe even here already in Carolina. School is in full swing for kids and they are filled with joy and excitement. They are back outside enjoying sports and play. For the parents of allergy suffering kids, this is a time for check ups, medicines and the countless forms required by school. I know! What a pain!
The goal for parents and educators is to limit missed or unproductive school days due to asthma and allergies and to get the most out of the learning environment for all children. My goal is to help children be symptom free or as close as possible while also focusing on reducing mucous development which is a direct precursor to bacterial sinus and ear infections….and more
Dr. M

Dr. M’s Women and Children First Podcast #35 Sheila Kilbane, MD – Healthy Kids

This weeks guest is my good friend Dr. Sheila Kilbane. She is a fellow pediatrician and onion peeler of root causes of children’s diseases. Her background found her studying Zoology at Miami University before attending The Ohio State University College of Medicine. After completing her Pediatric training she went on to obtain a Fellowship in Integrative Medicine at the University of Arizona Center for Integrative Medicine. We share many desires to help families achieve immune and health solvency through upstream target manipulation that leads to happiness. Today we discuss Dr. Kilbane’s view of this world as well as her book, Healthy Kids, Happy Moms.


Dr. M

Dr. M’s Women and Children First Podcast #28 – Joy Warner – An Educated Life

Joy Warner – An Educated Life
Joy Warner is the founder and director of the Community School of Davidson in Davidson, North Carolina. She is a leader, educator, grower of children and a person with strong compassion. Joy graduated from the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill before obtaining a masters in education at the University of North Carolina at Charlotte.
Her path was a deviation from the traditional model of school leadership leading to a heavy focus on emotional intelligence and growth through the understanding of problems as presented to be solved collectively.
We touch on topics such as:
Why such a focus on old mentoring young?
Why is education more than the book work to you?
The students really feel the anti-status quo of grades are everything?
Why such a focus on arts?
Why such a focus on service work?
Why such a focus on leadership?
What is the meaning behind the Standing O that is very unique to CSD ?
I hope that you enjoy my conversation with Joy Warner,
Dr. M

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