Tag Archives: history

Dr. M’s SPA Newsletter Audiocast Volume 13 Issue 2

Food in Infants
What do we know?
“Humans are the only mammals who feed our young special complementary foods before weaning and we are the only primates that wean our young before they can forage independently. There appears to be a sensitive period in the first several months of life when infants readily accept a wide variety of tastes and this period overlaps with a critical window for oral tolerance.” (Borowitz S.) We do a deep dive here plus some information on the mineral calcium and a segment on loneliness.
Dr. M

Putting It All Together #3 – Dr. Rick Johnson and the Fructose Story

Putting It All Together #3 – Dr. Rick Johnson and the Continued Fructose Story

In this podcast, we go deeper into the amazing “Survival Switch” research of Dr. Johnson and his team. The evolutionary realities that are at play here are nothing short of astounding for every human alive. To understand this research is to understand a major piece of human disease etiology where the rubber meets the road. Please listen to Dr. Johnson’s podcast #14 – link. before listening to this podcast if possible as they are reinforcing of each other.


Dr. M