Tag Archives: mis

Dr. M’s Women and Children First Podcast #19 – Dr. Alessio Fasano – Intestinal Permeability, Microbiome and MIS

Dr. M’s Women and Children First Podcast #19 – Dr. Alessio Fasano
Intestinal Permeability, Microbiome and MIS
In this podcast, I sit down with Pediatric Gastroenterologist Dr. Alessio Fasano from the Massachusettes General Hospital Department of Pediatric Gastroenterology to discuss the current research on Intestinal Permeability, Microbiomes and MIS, Multi Inflammatory Syndrome in Children .
Dr. Fasano also directs the Mucosal Immunology and Biology Research Center and is associate chief for Basic, Clinical and Translational Research. Under his leadership, investigators are studying the molecular mechanisms of autoimmune disorders including celiac disease, and other-gluten-related disorders. He has been named visiting professor of pediatrics at Harvard Medical School. He authored the groundbreaking study in 2003 that established the rate of celiac disease at one in 133 Americans. Widely sought after by national and international media, Dr. Fasano has been featured in hundreds of interviews including outlets such as The New York Times, The Wall Street Journal; National Public Radio; CNN; Bloomberg News, and others.
He recently co authored an excellent book with Susie Flaherty called Gut Feelings. I highly recommend you purchase and read this book. It is an encyclopedia of information regarding gut health, the microbiome and much more.
Enjoy my conversation with Dr. Fasano,
Dr. M

Dr. M’s Women and Children First Podcast – Journal Club #1 with Andrew Brackins MSIII and Zach Strong, FNP – Milk and Health, Multi Inflammatory Syndrome

Journal Club #1 with Andrew Brackins MSIII and Zach Strong, FNP –

Topic #1 – Milk and Health – Is milk necessary for health? Is it possibly unhealthy? Do we need it for bone health? What are the milk based diseases of intolerance and allergy. These questions and more are explored.

Multi Inflammatory Syndrome – Dr. Alessio Fasano has published some landmark research on children who suffer a post COVID inflammatory disease that is deadly. We break down his research and what we can takeaway from it for health.


Dr. M

Dr. M’s SPA Newsletter Volume 11 Issue 29 Covid Update #39

Coronavirus Update #39 Quick hits
1) Repeat with new information as an important follow up on MIS-C, multi inflammatory syndrome – c., from 2 weeks ago. Remember that in children, MIS-c is associated with poor intestinal function from a microbiome perspective coupled to genetic weaknesses in immune suppression of chemokine CXCL9 post inflammation. Research from the lab of Dr. Alessio Fasano has shown direct evidence of intestinal permeability in children with multi inflammatory syndrome – c:
The authors found that children, unlike adults, the SARS2 virus decides to take up residence in the intestines and replicate there. The virus can be found in the child’s stool via testing. This is a unique finding to children as the intestine is not known to be a harboring site for the virus in adults. The expert researcher on this paper, Dr. Fasano, has extensive knowledge of the function of the intestinal mucosal lining and the fact that the cells are held together by tight junctions made up of different proteins forming a semi impermeable membrane…….
Read more at https://www.salisburypediatrics.com/patient-education/dr-magryta-s-newsletter
Have a great day,
Dr. M