Tag Archives: disease prevention in children

Dr. M’s Women and Children First Podcast #9 – Dr. Tracy Shafizadeh, Evivo Probiotic for Babies

Dr. Tracy Shafizadeh is a nutritional scientist, speaker, and author with over 15 years of experience in scientific communications and life science research. Prior to serving as the Director of Scientific Communications at Evolve BioSystems, she led both product development and research services at various start-up life science companies, including Lipomics Technologies, Tethys Bioscience and Metabolon, Inc. Dr. Shafizadeh received her PhD in nutritional biology from UC Davis, studying intestinal development and folate metabolism in newborns.

Today, we spend the hour discussing the maternal and infant microbiome with respect to maternal breastmilk, human milk sugars and childhood outcome. Evolve Biosystems has produced a probiotic with excellent science to help guide us in new therapeutic discovery. We head to the beginnings of disease onset when the infant is only starting to take his or her first breaths.

I hope that you enjoy my conversation with Dr. Tracy Shafizadeh,

Dr. M


The Most Important Question in Pediatrics Revisited (Pedcast)


Doc Smo here.  Thanks for joining me for this important edition of Portable, Practical, Pediatrics. The anti-vaccine movement continues to gain strength in the U.S. so it’s time for this pediatrician to speak out, again.   The following pedcast is a rebroadcast of a post I did back in 2015 to give my listeners a glimpse of how vital vaccines are to their children’s good health. In my mind, in order for children to thrive, they need food, water, clean air, the love of their family, and vaccines. Yes, vaccines are that basic to their well being, to be mentioned in the same sentence with food, water, and air.  Let’s explore that concept a little in today’s archived post I call, “The Most Important Question in Pediatrics”.

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