
Dr. M’s SPA Newsletter Audiocast Volume 12 Issue 50

The fundamentals are these: Age related changes that lead to neuronal loss and cognitive decline are related to loss or reduction of myokine release, systemic inflammation, insulin resistance, reactive oxygen induced mitochondrial stress, DNA mutations and poor protein intake.
First, exercise releases chemicals called myokines which are cell signaling molecules that have the job of telling other cells what to do via changes in gene expression, protein transcription and much more. The prototypical change is the increase of a substance called brain derived neurotrophic factor, BDNF, for short. BDNF is critical for brain cell mitochondrial biogenesis. BDNF promotes many developmental functions in the brain, including neuronal cell survival, differentiation, migration, dendritic arborization, and synaptic plasticity. Regular exercise promotes a progressive increase in BDNF protein for up to at least 3 mo………

Dr. M’s SPA Newsletter Audiocast Volume 12 Issue 24

A subset of children may be more susceptible to respiratory infections of viral and bacterial varieties based on some new research. It appears that the microbiomes of the nasopharyngeal respiratory tract and host immune defenses play a major role here. We discuss some new research regarding infection risk. We also discuss snakes, post bite care and avoidance.

More to learn,

Dr. M

Dr. M’s Women and Children First Podcast #15 – Ashley Merryman, JD – Nurture Shock


Today’s guest is Ashley Merryman the best selling author of Nurture Shock. As a social science writer of distinction, she has written for Newsweek, Time, the New York Times, the Washington Post on various topics related to parenting and children. Her work has been cited as a research authority in 80 academic journals and 260 books, and it is being used as text in universities around the world.

Educational stops included a Bachelor of Fine Arts from the University of Southern California’s School of Cinematic Arts, a J.D. from the Georgetown University’s Law Center, and a Certificate in Irish Studies from Queen’s University, Belfast, Northern Ireland.

What she really is is a great speaker on the hard topics of science and social existence. This is a one hour journey through 2 major topics.

Please enjoy my conversation with Ashley Merryman,

Dr. M

Dr. M’s Women and Children First Podcast – Omicron Update

COVID Omicron Update:
There is a ton of interesting information flying around about Omicron and the pandemic in general. Today, I breakdown the new variant and what we know overall. It is time to get the facts out there and not just the case volume hype.
COVID Omicron Update: Let’s breakdown the new variant and what we know overall.We need a new look at this situation. The world according to SARS2 Covid 19 Delta is changing to a newer Omicron reality. What does this mean?
Dr. M

Dr. M’s Women and Children First Podcast – Putting It All Together #2

This week on the show, I sit down to put the recent four maternal/child health podcasts into perspective. How are these four experts tied together? We, again, examine the basic underpinnings of maternal health risks through the eyes of these thought leaders in preparation for the next series of discussions. Laying important foundations to build our health literacy upon, is critical in my mind. This show is also a way for the folks that are “on the go” to get a summary of the podcasts for their benefit.


Dr. M

Dr. M’s SPA Newsletter Audiocast Volume 11 Issues 37 Covid Update #43

Delta is a pain in the BUTT, but our T and B cells are ready to wage war once we have either had natural infection or received the SARS2 vaccine.
Evolution of the SARS2 coronavirus may have reached a perfect level of fitness with the delta variant. It is incredibly effective at transmission while not being more deadly than alpha. Time will ultimately tell if it evolves again in a significant way. If you think of the evolution of humanity with respect to SARS2/Covid19 risk, it is clear to me that this virus would have been much less deadly 30 or 50 or 100 years ago before the invention of modern processed foods, chemicals and stress that have upended human immune health and lead to an era of metabolic diseases and disease. I have thought about this for some time and the reality is as such. We are here to some extent by our own doing and that is a tragedy of our time.
Some may say that modern medicine is saving countless lives and that is so, but how many would have never entered the hospital based on much better baseline health? Ah, these are questions that we cannot answer less we just hypothesize.
Read more for COVID #43….
Dr. M

Women and Children First Interview with Dr. Paul Smolen


Paul Smolen is a teacher, a thinker and pediatric pearl generator. I sat down with Docsmo for a wonderful conversation about his lengthy and thoughtful career. He discusses his podcast, learning while on the job and what made it all work. He leaves us with his 10 favorite pediatric parenting pearls. I know that you will find his wisdom most useful. Please enjoy my conversation with Dr. Paul Smolen, aka Docsmo.


Dr. M


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