Tag Archives: heart

Dr. M’s SPA Newsletter Audiocast Volume 13 Issue 16

Cholesterol VII- Follow up
It is imperative that all readers know that any time you go against conventional wisdom, you run the risk of negative reactions from providers of care that disagree or do not know about this depth of hypothetical disease etiology. This set of lipid and cardiology articles was meant to stimulate the reader to think beyond the simple answer that “statin medications” and cholesterol lowering are the primary or only answers to coronary artery heart disease. The treatment of any disease must start at the headwaters of pathophysiological dysfunction. To wait until a medicine is the only way to a healthy home is not in anyones best interest…. Also, the Pollution Detectives leader Dr. Francis Koster pens an article.

Dr. M’s SPA Newsletter Audiocast Volume 13 Issue 15

High Density Lipoprotein – We are going to take a deep look at this very complex biological topic. Bear with me as in the end it will all make more sense as to why “good cholesterol” is not inherently good or bad as much as it just is. Our lifestyle decisions are in effect making a biological process good or bad. That is my scientific understanding at this time. We also look at COVID19 and the effects on the heart this week.


Dr. M

Dr. M’s SPA Newsletter Audiocast Volume 13 Issue 14

Cholesterol Part V – What to do?
I hope that over the last four weeks I have sufficiently laid the case for heart disease as a complex disorder that is far from just a cholesterol/lipoprotein issue. It is vastly more complex than this especially with the new emerging data on the actions of high density lipoproteins, HDL, in reverse cholesterol and other molecule removal from circulation. In the next weeks newsletter, we will look at HDL. Somewhere in the near future, I will synthesize further recent work linking CVD, immunobiology and obesity.
Also, GLP Obesity drugs for teens and others….
Dr. M

Dr. M’s SPA Newsletter Audiocast Volume 13 Issue 13

Cholesterol Lipid Hypothesis Part IV – Endothelial Dysfunction
How does an artery clog? Let us recap a little at this time. 1) Cholesterol and lipoproteins are significant and necessary for pathology to develop but not the only player in heart disease and atherosclerosis. I believe that inflammation is the root cause of the problem driving the lipid imbalance and plaque formation. 2) Lipoproteins are produced and recycled every day in order to deliver energy to tissues around the body via triglycerides and are a part of the ancient innate immune system. They are primed and ready to fight all systemic pathogens that are trying to hurt us. 3) Your genetic makeup may dictate whether you produce and/or recycle more cholesterol/lipoproteins than are advantageous in our current environment….Plus a discussion on acne.
Dr. M

Dr. M’s SPA Newsletter Volume 11 Issue 25 Covid Update #37


What are the latest data trends with COVID and children? What vaccine related issues have arisen? We answer these questions and more!

Quick hits

1) Sequelae following a moderate to severe COVID infection continue to plague medical systems. In a new study in the British Medical Journal, we see a 14% increased risk of developing new onset clinical conditions.

“14% of adults aged ≤65 who were infected with SARS-CoV-2 (27 074 of 193 113) had at least one new type of clinical sequelae that required medical care after the acute phase of the illness, which was 4.95% higher than in the 2020 comparator group. The risk for specific new sequelae attributable to SARS-Cov-2 infection after the acute phase, including chronic respiratory failure, cardiac arrythmia, hypercoagulability, encephalopathy, peripheral neuropathy, amnesia (memory difficulty), diabetes, liver test abnormalities, myocarditis, anxiety, and fatigue, was significantly greater than in the three comparator groups (2020, 2019, and viral lower respiratory tract illness groups).” (Daugherty et. al. 2021)……….

Read More: Link


Dr. M