Tag Archives: death

Dr. M’s Women and Children First Podcast #55 – Ryan Conklin – The Grief Journey

This weeks guest is Ryan Conklin a self described – light chasing, storytelling, thread puller, adventure bound tracker and student of myth and maps. He is transformational coach by day, and bartender and hospitalitarian by night. He is a thinker that has a beautiful way of seeing grief and leaning into it in a grounding and therapeutic way. We dive into the deep end of the pool as it relates to grief processing and life after a death. 

Dr. M

Dr. M’s SPA Newsletter Audiocast Volume 12 Issue 38

Loss has seemed to follow me more this year than any other. Whether it is a newborn baby that never had a chance to take a crack at life, an 86 year old who lived a rich life or now a 20 year old in his prime, the loss is profound each and every time. My exposure is clearly occupational as well. However, how do we continue to process this time and time again? Does it get easier? How do we talk about it with those that have lost? How do we keep the faith and live for our best selves as we are the ones left behind as the dead cannot suffer?

Let’s Explore,

Dr. M

Dr. M’s Women and Children First Podcast – Omicron Update #2

COVID Omicron Update #2:
Let’s continue to breakdown the new variant and what we know overall. The world according to SARS2 Covid 19 is now the world according to Omicron. What does this mean for us today? How are the vaccines faring? Boosters? Natural illness?
Dr. M