
Dr. M’s SPA Newsletter Audiocast Volume 14 Issue 21

Excess Weight Gain, Obesity and Immune Related Diseases in 2 cases
I want to share a few recent case experiences that shed light on the patient provider experience in the context of a collaborative clinic model based on prevention and the patient first mentality.
In the struggle against the US based disease onslaught that is excess weight gain, longevity with the patient remains the greatest winner for a quality outcome. What do I mean when I say this? Let me tell you a story. I care for a wonderful young man who is about to turn 17 years old. I have known him since birth and his struggle with weight has been profound for most of these 17 years…… Plus an article review about weight loss and a recipe of the week.
Dr. M

Dr. M’s SPA Newsletter Audiocast Volume 14 Issue 17

Literature Review
1) In a first of its kind study in mice, we see concrete evidence for how the mitochondria in obese individuals are a root cause of disease based on nutritional input. This fascinating animal translational study gives us insight into how a high fat diet is also a major component of mitochondrial damage through fission and fragmentation leading to worsened cell bioenergetics. The cells have reduced fatty acid oxidation or fat burning capacity due to a single gene’s actions. The end result is a tilt toward fat cell production, fat storage and fat cell inflammation which are associated with diabetes and insulin resistance and ultimately metabolic syndrome. This starts to explain the paradox that is obesity where the person has a ton of stored energy, but has limited capacity to utilize it. It is like having a gas tank of fuel with a gas line that only allows for 1/10th of the flow required for optimal function. Science Daily has an excellent review of this paper. Link below. 
2) Women’s brains change during pregnancy as per a new study. The authors looked at brain changes before and after birth as well as with or without a vaginal delivery route. Their study findings noted transient changes in some brain regions as well as permanent changes in other brain regions that turn on self-reflection and empathy for others…… and a recipe of the week.
Dr. M

Dr. M’s Women and Children First Podcast #67 – Kate Henry Kresge, N.D. – ADHD Part III

Dr. Kate Kresge is the Head of Medical Education at RUPA Health and host of the Root Cause Medicine Podcast. Dr. Kate collaborates with clinicians to bring leading-edge root-cause medicine information to the world through bootcamps, courses, podcasts, articles and more. Before joining RUPA, Dr. Kate was the founding Director of Functional Medicine at Sanare Today, a multi-location practice on the east coast of the U.S. that combines therapy, coaching, natural medicine and more to help people thrive. Dr. Kate’s training in naturopathic medicine began at Bastyr University where she learned how to approach a patient through a prevention focused lens. She focuses on therapies like biofeedback, micronutrient cofactor support and nutrition, allowing her to emphasize root-cause treatments that are both low-cost and effective in order to help keep functional medicine accessible to all.
Today, we look at ADHD and the upstream levers that can be pulled on to help reduce the symptom burden. What are the nutritional, lifestyle and other mitigating factors for symptom amelioration? How does Dr. Kate approach a child and the family? What is a meal plan and so much more.
Please enjoy my conversation with Kate Kresge.
Dr. M