
Dr. M’s SPA Newsletter Audiocast Volume 14 Issue 45


In the coming months, I am going to take a deeper look at vaccines. I am fielding lots of questions in the office about the safety of vaccines. People are scared. Are they wrong? Should they be?

Let me start here: first off, I am solidly pro vaccine. That is not the same as to be in agreement with the current vaccine schedule or that vaccines are without risk. I believe that the vaccine schedule and the risk should be questioned on a rolling basis in perpetuetum. This is the function of medical science. Question dogma always. Look for errors of past thinking and reassess on a continual basis.

I think that on the face of it, the skepticism is well placed as the organizations tasked with our safety have made a mess of being honest during the COVID pandemic vaccine rollout….. plus a literature review.

Dr. M

Dr. M’s Women and Children First Podcast #21 – Traver Boehm – An Uncivilized Journey

What does it mean to be a man in modern times? To be in tune with and feel all aspects of one’s life experiences? To be unapologetic, authentic and safe? To move past trauma and pain? In other words, to be a man uncivilized.
To better understand these questions, I give you the words or Traver Boehm: “Men had to choose between two outdated and broken options….Be the Lone Wolf and die ALONE with a chest full of unexpressed emotions and a wake of broken relationships behind him. A man who thinks the feminine is weakness and weakness is unbearable. He misunderstands that within his weaknesses lie his greatest strengths. Or… Be the Sensitive New Age “Nice Guy” and have a million bestest girlfriends, now living as the wolf in sheep’s clothing. A man who thinks the masculine is terrifying and is forced to deny every aspect of his own manhood. If you are a “Nice Guy”— you are living someone else’s life. But the truth wasn’t in these two options, was it? I knew it. Most men knew it. We just couldn’t find it. And until you have your own back, you can’t truly have anybody else’s. WHAT IF THERE WAS AN OPTION FOR MEN TO BREAK OUT OF THEIR CAGED LIVES AND BECOME FREE?
A Good Man, a Strong Man, a WHOLE MAN.”
This podcast is an exploration of Traver and his thoughts on these topics. He is a man on a mission to help men become better men. He is a thinker, podcaster, writer and so much more.
Enjoy my conversation with Traver Boehm,
Dr. M

Dr. M’s SPA Newsletter Volume 11 Issue 26

Davidson River North Carolina

It is tick time again!
We are seeing more cases of tick exposure and potential infections over the past few weeks as everyone is heading out to the mountains and beaches for vacation and regular life. Every spring and summer, many children present to our clinic with tick bites and other insect issues. While most bites are benign, some are not. Being aware of the realities and risks of tick exposure will help us make good decisions regarding medical care needs. Ticks are little 8 legged creatures (Images) that live primarily on animals in the woods and then grab onto us when we come into contact with a plant or animal that they were waiting or “questing” on for a “sucker” to pass by…. For more visit:
Have a great day,
Dr. M

Protected: 7 Dubious Health Honors American Children Own (Pedcast)

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Protected: 7 Essential Actions That Will Keep Your Children Safe from Injury(Pedcast)

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