
Dr. Magryta’s Newsletter Coronavirus Update #36

We must have discourse regarding experimental vaccinations to be a moral society. For this reason, I will take on this controversial topic.
Are we all ok with an emergency use authorization for the COVID19 vaccine for children under age 16 years old? That is a loaded question. In the British Medical Journal we see a piece written by Drs. Pegden, Prasad and Baral this week. They state: “For adults, the benefits of covid-19 vaccination are enormous, while for children they are relatively minor. Rare side effects from adult covid-19 vaccination are unlikely to lead to future vaccine hesitancy whose public health impact could be comparable to the benefits of the adult covid-19 vaccination program itself. But accelerated mass child vaccination under emergency use authorization—perhaps even spurred by school mandates and “vaccine passports”—presents a different balance of risks and benefits. The possibility that rare adverse events could emerge as the more durable public health legacy of an emergency use authorization for child covid-19 vaccines is much greater.” (Pegden et. al. 2021)…….
If you prefer to read the newsletter or see the references, go to https://www.salisburypediatrics.com/patient-education/dr-magryta-s-newsletter/954-volume-11-letter-23-coronavirus-update-36

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