Dr. M’s Women and Children First Podcast #65 – Mark Houston, M.D. – Cardiovascular Health

Dr. Mark Houston is a thinker and researcher into the root causes of cardiovascular disease and metabolism. He graduated from Rhodes College in Memphis, Tennessee summa cum laude in Chemistry before graduating with honors from Vanderbilt Medical School. He completed his medical internship and residency at the University of California, San Francisco, then returned to Vanderbilt Medical Center where he was chief resident in medicine and served on the full- time faculty until 2012. He is the current director of the hypertension Institute where he and his team develop novel approaches to hypertension and ASCVD by attending to root biological causes of disease. He also has a Master’s degree in Human Nutrition from the University of Bridgeport, Connecticut, and a Masters of Science degree in Functional and Metabolic Medicine from the University of South Florida in Tampa Florida. He has written hundreds of papers, books and chapters on cardiovascular disease. He is one of the top researchers in the preventative cardiology space and he is here today to share his wisdom.
His book credits:
Handbook of Antihypertensive Therapy
Vascular Biology for the Clinician
What Your Doctor May Not Tell You About Hypertension
Hypertension Handbook for Students and Clinicians
The Hypertension Handbook
What Your Doctor May Not Tell You About Heart Disease.
Please enjoy my conversation with Dr. Mark Houston,
Dr. M