Dr. M’s Women and Children First Podcast #20 – Dr. Sanford Newmark – ADHD Without Drugs!

ADHD without Drugs
Sandy Newmark, MD is the Director of Clinical Programs at the University of California at San Francisco’s Osher Center for Integrative Health. He is an Integrative Pediatrician and a Professor in the Department of Pediatrics at UCSF with the title of Osher Foundation Endowed Chair in Clinical Programs in Integrative Medicine. To me, he is an amazing teacher and onion peeler in the world of attention deficit.
I met Sandy back in 2006 as he was the lead Pediatric teacher in the University of Arizona’s Integrative Medicine Fellowship. He immediately made an impact in my career as a leader in this new way of seeing the world of medicine.
His bio lists: Dr. Sanford Newmark specializes in integrative neurodevelopmental pediatrics including autism, ADHD, and related conditions. Dr. Newmark lectures widely on both autism and ADHD and has authored three chapters in integrative medicine textbooks. He is the author of the book “ADHD Without Drugs, a Guide to the Natural Care of Children with ADHD.” His online video, “Do 2.5 Million Children Really Need Ritalin? An Integrative Approach to ADHD,” has been viewed over 4.5 million times.
Know this, this is an hour of your life that you will want to dedicate to Dr. Newmark’s thoughts. Especially, if you or your child has ADHD.
Enjoy my conversation with Dr. Newmark,
Dr. M