Protected: New Baby Brings Joy + Stress (Pedcast)

Doc Smo’s 2018 Holiday Message (Pedcast)
“There are no do-overs when it comes to childhood; this is the only childhood your children that will ever have. Make the most of it!”
Got a Clue What Makes Your Sick Child Get a Fever? (Updated Pedcast)
“Your child’s body knows that fever, is usually a shortcut to wellness.”
6 Things Kids Can Do To Avoid Sports Injuries (Updated Pedcast)
“Like all machines, your child’s body has limits and is prone to periodic mechanical failures. All machines do this even our own bodies, particularly little bodies that are not fully grown” and here’s another DocSmo pearl: “Pain in muscles and joints is your child’s body telling you, the parents, that they need repair time.”
The Rhythm of Your Child’s Cough (Pedcast)
“For most children, a tincture of time takes care of even the meanest virus, because your child’s immune system is a germ-killing machine, tuned and sharpened by lots of practice.”
10 Things Parents Can Do to Prevent Allergies in Their Children ? (Pedcast)
“Yes, it is true, that not all germs are our friends but it is equally true that not all are our enemies.”
Can Pesticides Harm Your Kids? (Pedcast)
“Like with many parenting decisions, less can be more.”
Your Children Spending Enough Time Outdoors? (Pedcast)
“Parents create the reality that their children experience.”
Need High Chair for Your Little Ones? (Pedcast)
“Many childhood accidents aren’t accidents at all, but rather predictable outcomes from lack of supervision or improper use of equipment.”
Distraction Free Thinking Vital for Kids (Pedcast)
“You are the parent and they are the child.”
“If you treat your children like adults, they may surprise you and act like an one”
Doc Smo’s Holiday Message 2017 (Pedcast)
“It’s hard to be fearful of people that you know.”
6 Reasons Your Children Need Breakfast (Pedcast)
“Grandma’s common sense and strong desire to see her children succeed is the source of her amazing wisdom.”
Best Docs Listen, Observe, and Test (Pedcast)
“Anything that gets in the way of your pediatrician’s careful history taking process weakens your child’s visit.”
Help For Anxious Kids (Pedcast)
Anxiety that doesn’t lead to an action and ultimate resolution is destructive.
Cough-Your Child’s Friend or Foe? (Pedcast)
“Your child’s cough is the only thing standing between them and pneumonia.”
“Healthy lungs are healthy for a reason.”
“A toy that can kill or cause lifelong injury, simply isn’t a toy at all!
“It’s a terrible mistake for parents to underestimate their influence on their kids or it’s corollary, Wisdom kept to oneself is wisdom wasted.”
2015 Lessons Learned about Measles
“We don’t have to touch the hot stove, to find out that it still hurts”
Every Child Can Be a Powerball Winner
“The most successful way to improve the reading achievement of low-income children is to increase their access to print.”
“Every child can be a powerball lottery winner by being read to frequently.”
New Baby Brings Joy and Stress
“There is no quicker way to find the cracks in a parent’s personality than to apply stress and stand back and watch.”
“Adults are just oversized children with a few more social graces and a lot more responsibility.”
“When it comes to bronchial irritants, sometimes 1+1=3.”
“A toy that can kill or cause lifelong injury, simply isn’t a toy at all!”
“Nothing changes behavior like consequences” or it’s corollary, “The school of natural consequences teaches AP life.”
“Don’t allow your children’s nutritional wants to overtake their nutritional needs.”
How Long is Too Long for a Cold?
“Trust your child’s body; it has been practicing medicine longer than any doctor alive.”
Annual Holiday Message 2014 (Pedcast)
“Children are little machines of the vacuum and copy variety. And it’s corollary… *It’s not an accident that interesting parents have interesting children.”
“A crisis for which you are prepared, is often not a crisis at all.”
Testimonial to Probiotics (Pedcast)
“Prevention beats treatment, every time.”
The Rhythm of the Cough (Pedcast)
“For most children, a tincture of time takes care of even the meanest virus, because your child’s immune system is a germ-killing machine, tuned and sharpened by lots of practice.”
Children; Eating Themselves Sick? (Pedcast)
Grandma didn’t waste her time telling us things that weren’t important… eat your spinach!
Does Cold Air Make Your Child Sick? (Pedcast)
**“Grandma didn’t waste her time recommending things that weren’t important… listen!”
Fever; Friend or Foe? (Pedcast)
“A fever is not an illness, usually just a shortcut to wellness.”
Holiday Message 2013 (Pedcast)
“Making the babies was the easy part of parenting!”
DocSmo’s Picky Eater Turnaround (Pedcast)
1. “Your child’s choices in food should be between good food and good food… no junk served in this kitchen!”
2. “Children will do what is in their own best interest… almost every time.”
1. “There is no toy that is so much fun that it is worth the risk of your child sustaining a lifelong injury… none”
2. “Adult Supervision” requires that adults actually supervise!!!!
America “super sized” (Pedcast)
1. “Let’s start paying more attention to what children need rather than what they want. Only then will we get it right.”
2. “It would really dandy if our children got less candy.”
A doctor’s advice: harsh or life changing?
Direct communication is the most effective way to connect with young people. My rule is, listen first, then speak.
Smoking Update
“As far as tobacco is concerned, in today’s world we are witnessing cigarette marketing in reverse!”
Getting the Dose Right!
“Janie’s dose of medicine shouldn’t depend on your silverware pattern, should it?”
When Snoring is a Problem for Children
“Surgeons curing behavior problems and improving school performance… what will they figure out next?”
Eczema: A Parent’s Guide
“Modern children’s skin needs less exposure to modern life.”
HPV Vaccines: “Prevention Trumps Treatment”
“Prevention trumps treatment every time.”
Baby Walkers…beware!
“When the child gets a bad injury, both the child and the parent receive matching scars.”
Ear Wax to the Max, “oh my”
“My kind of therapy is both cheap and effective.”
The Success of Rotavirus Vaccine
“If a therapy has rewards that are very high and risks that are very low: that’s a winner for me.”
“Sit Down and Listen”: ADD News 2011
“Grandma was so smart that if she had been a stock trader, she would have been the Warren Buffet of her time.”
Helping Single Parent Families
1. “Children have a lot of work to do growing up. Having a lot of emotional baggage from their parents generally slow or interfere with that process.”
2. *”Families are likes Slinkies: stress any part and the whole family starts shaking.”
3. “I think having one healthy, resilient, engaged single parent is much better for children than having two angry bickering depressed ones, any day.”
Attitude lessons learned from my Dad
“Work with purpose is always better than just work.”
The Rhythm of Pediatrics
“Germs can run jog or walk they need to be dragged from nose to nose and the dragging happens on your child’s hands.”
“Germs love get-togethers so they can “get it together.”
Tincture of Time
“Trust your child’s body; it has been practicing medicine longer than any doctor alive.”
For the Mamas and the Papas
“The benefits of taking care of yourself are like money in the bank drawing compound interest.”
Grandma, Cod Liver Oil, and the 2011 News Regarding Vitamin D
“Grandma didn’t waste her time recommending things that weren’t important.”
Can Children be Spoiled?
“It’s my opinion that a child is spoiled if they’re allowed to become overly dependent on their parents, or if they’re allowed to have excessive needs and/or wants.”
Getting a Grippe on the ‘Moving Target’ We Call Influenza
“Deeply invading germs are reason for deep concern.”
Pedcasts from 2010:
Understanding Your Child’s Ear Infections Step by Step
“Rivers that don’t flow become nasty!”
Swimming, A Basic Life Skill All Children Need to Know
“Remember, you’re the parent and they’re the child! You have perspective on life that they don’t have. Don’t be afraid to use your perspective and persist to make sure that swim lessons happen for your children.”
Shaping Your Child’s Character, Leading by Example
1. “Little eyes and little ears are watching and listening.”
2. “Children are like mirrors, they reflect what they see. Make sure what they see in you is mostly goodness.”
Starting Young Children towards a Life of Literacy
1. “Kids won’t do what they don’t enjoy, so you have to create an environment where reading is fun.”
2. “Parents create their child’s reality. If your child’s reality is visits to fast food restaurants, video games, and soda, parents created that reality. But if their reality is visits to the museum, reading daily, and nutritious meals, parents create that too.”
Making Sense of Your Child’s Next Virus
1. The deeper in your child’s body a germ travels, the more intense his/her bodily reaction is going to be, especially fever.
2. So, if your child has an upper respiratory illness that’s pretty surface, almost on the outside of the body, you’re child’s not going to feel very sick.
3. Whereas, if they get a middle respiratory virus, they’re probably going to feel sicker, probably going to have a fever at some point, and that’s a clue that it’s a little deeper in.
4. And finally, the deepest in terms of the respiratory tract are lung infections. Those are the ones that give kids really high fevers, 105 and greater, and really knock them down hard. That’s a clue that they have a deep body infection.”
Little Teeth, Handle with Care
“Parenting short cuts, taking the path of least resistance, has a way of coming back and biting you later. When you know you’re right about a parenting topic, be more stubborn than your child–deal with it earlier rather than later!”
Sleepless Nights…Beyond the Crib
“It’s always good when your child can learn to do something independently.”
Why Your Child Should Avoid Sugary Drinks!
“People believe what they want to believe, especially children.”
How to Discipline Your Child…with Respect!
“If you don’t treat your child with respect when they’re young, they won’t treat you with respect when they grown.”
Straight Talk about Sleep in Infancy
“The ultimate goal of childhood is to create a happy, self sufficient adult.”
Essential Knowledge for Parents about Hepatitis B
“Vaccines are like insurance, you can’t buy it after the house has burned down. Prevention is the only game in town.”
Patty versus Mozart, Curious?
1.”Send a constant message that school is important and that failure is not an option.”
2. “If you repeat something enough to your children, it will eventually become true.”
Screen Time, How Much is Too Much?
1. “Kids will eventually respect parents who are honest, committed to their wellbeing, and who set reasonable limits for them.”
2. “Don’t let the Mario Brothers have more influence on your kids than you do!”